As the Colts eventually wore out, they were replaced in subsequent years by factory-customized, M1911 variants such as the Wilson Combat CQB, Caspian Arms models, and the STI Tactical, all chambered for. 45s, due to the demonstrated, superior stopping power of the venerable, big-bore round. Even after the Beretta M9 in 9mm became the new, military standard in 1985, Delta continued to use their. Army service pistol, but Delta’s were highly-customized and accurized by unit armorers. The initial handguns were Colt M1911A1 Government Models in. These weapons were carried on the ill-fated Operation Eagle Claw, the unit’s first operational mission, during the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1980. Navy formed SEAL Team 6, also known as ST-6, SEAL Team “ Shhh,” simply “Six,” or later, as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU), as a second, American CT unit.įrom its inception, Delta Force sought the very best weapons for its unique requirements, beginning with Walther MPL and MPK 9mm submachine guns, which were among the finest available at the time, although they fired from an open bolt, which allowed dirt to enter the chamber area, and the slamming bolt reduced first-shot accuracy. At that time, just the British, Germans, and Israelis had specialized, CT forces, so Delta was only the fourth such organization in existence worldwide. Army’s 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Airborne), or 1st SFOD-D(A), more-commonly known as “Delta Force,” Task Force Green, or the Combat Applications Group (Airborne) (CAG), was established on November 19, 1977, as our nation’s first full-time, counterterrorist (CT) unit, in the wake of a daring, hostage-rescue operation in Mogadishu, Somalia, the previous month by Germany’s elite, GSG 9 police CT commando force. Prime Minister Winston Churchill, 1942. In the night to visit violence on those who would harm us.” “We sleep soundly in our beds, because rough men stand ready