Surviving the aftermath gameplay
Surviving the aftermath gameplay

surviving the aftermath gameplay

Sandworm: Technically they're giant mutant centipedes, but still referred to as "sandworms".In the early game, many of these will be scavenged from the environment around the colony as well as ruins further afield, but options to produce or trade for those resources open up as the colony develops. Various medicines for treating ailments, fiber for clothmaking, cloths for wearing, tools for doing work, and all the variety of more advanced materials need to be sourced. In addition to being drunk, many buildings require water, and more advanced buildings require electricity as well. Colonists require sufficient food, and not only in totals, they require a variety of food and food that's well prepared to stay fully healthy. Buildings need construction material stockpiled to be built as well as to be repaired when it inevitably is damaged or worn down. Resources Management Gameplay: A huge part of the gameplay.The "Alternative Proteins" advancement in the Tech Tree allows you to build climate-controlled bug farms for this purpose. Reduced to Ratburgers: Your colonists don't seem to mind, but your food sources can include scavenging for cockroaches, crickets, and various worms.Random Event: Every few days or so, your colony will have an event of some kind that will require you to make a choice.Non-Entity General: You aren't any colonist in particular, although many events portray you interacting directly with the other colonists.Nominal Importance: Specialists have unique portraits, names, and a short biography displayed when they arrive.Nobody Poops: Averted after the Tainted Earth update: Outhouses are the first step for maintaining the hygiene of your colonists, but accrue pollution quickly.Of course, you still have to dig these coins up among the ruins.

surviving the aftermath gameplay

Other colonies, mercenary specialists, and even bandits will accept silver coins as currency, despite that there is no government to back them.

  • Money Is Not Power: Conspicuously averted, given the After the End setting.
  • Depending on how strong your gate is and the quality of the people manning it, the bandits can either be driven back completely, moderately crippled when they begin their assault in earnest, or barely even affected.

    surviving the aftermath gameplay

  • Hold the Line: when your base is assaulted by most bandits, they will first attempt to breach the front gate.
  • Specialists are also the only ones who can leave the colony to interact with the world map. While you can turn ordinary colonists into defenders with your guard posts, your specialists will always be far more adept at fighting.
  • Hero Unit: Your specialists function as this.
  • The colony quickly discovers that the bunkers were also meant to survive an approaching apocalypse, and the colony has to start up the work again if there's any hope of preserving what little knowledge still remains. They failed, miserably, and the governments decided to abandon the projects in favor of petty warfare over dwindling resources.
  • Fling a Light into the Future: It's revealed in the main quest that the governments that survived the first part of the cataclysm attempted this, building enormous doomsday bunkers to preserve large swathes of people and pre-collapse knowledge.
  • Detonation Moon: The central story mission reveals this was the impetus for the apocalypse, with a large asteroid shattering a corner of the moon, causing devastating meteor showers and magnetic storms across the globe that persist into the game's current day.
  • surviving the aftermath gameplay

    #Surviving the aftermath gameplay movie#

    Cozy Catastrophe: Going further and further into the game's tech tree allows for more luxurious things to be added to your colony, such as heated houses, plumbing, movie theatres and arcades.

    Surviving the aftermath gameplay